Okie Dokie Vintage Flat Track Race, Japan, 2018

Okie Dokie Vintage Flat Track Race, Japan, 2018

Two days after Yokohama Hot Rod Show the good people of Brat Style around Go Takamine and his lovely wife Masumi organized a Vintage Motorcycle Flat Track Race at the Offroad Village Kawagoe in Saitama Prefecture, about 1 hour drive north-west of Tokyo City. Early december sun came out so riders and spectators from all over the world had a very nice and relaxed day, strolling around in t-shirts and watching races. A very high end mix of rare machines were brought and raced and sometimes crashed – but it all is old steel which can be fixed easily.

We were lucky to be there, take a look at our photos. Thank you Go and Masumi for organizing this and hosting us with always friendly smile in your faces!

Photos by Hermann Köpf

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